The Athena. The Aphrodite of all Eras.
We all have these friends who are so blessed that the heavens granted
them with exceptional beauty and aesthetics. Whatever they wear, even
in their torn shirts, they always look good.They are the ones who
always provide sweet chocolates and candies, because they never run
out of sponsors… their suitors.
2. The GGSS (Gandang-Ganda/Gwapong-Gwapo Sa Sarili)Friends
Extreme confidence and vanity covers the body and soul of these
people/friends. Though they do not look as beautiful or handsome
as the Mr. and Ms Universe friends, they have these distinct
characteristics in them that make them one of a kind in the group,
which of course are... vanity and confidence. They always have
their mobile phones in front camera mode to take their unlimited
Plus, every time they pass a mirror, they always act as if they
are in a fashion show or photo shoot. VAIN LORDS!
3. The Lazy-Ass Friends
“Today, I don’t feel like doing anything…”
–Bruno Mars, The Lazy Song.
Couch Potatoes! During parties or whenever you gather together and
eat, they always ask other friends to refill their drinks, get
some desserts, hand them utensils and sometimes much worse, ask
for the condiments to be passed in front of them though the
condiments are just 10 inches away from them. In whatever they
do, they just can’t help but ask for assistance or give commands.
Crazy, lazy people!
4. The Instant Invisibility Cloak
There are these kinds of friends who are really gifted with
super natural powers… the Instant Invisibility. They literally
disappear especially when the bill is out and everyone gives
their share. There are also instances during drinking sessions,
where they will say they are going to pee in the comfort room
but instead they will escape, leave the group, and drive home.
5. The Mayor/ Congressmen
Wave here... wave there… waving their hands everywhere! They are
the friends who you will always see waving their hands every time
they see other friends or acquaintances in every place they go to.
They are the ones with hundreds or thousands of likes on
Social Media Sites.
They are just really famous.
6. The Buffering
Friend #1: “JOKES”
Group of Friends: “LAUGHS”
The Buffering Friend: “Meee…. What?”
Whenever a joke is casted on your group’s conversation or fun time,
they are always left with a big question mark on their head because
they did not get the joke. Or in some instances, after everyone
laughs at the joke, that will only be the time when they ‘ll get
the joke. It’s not that their mental capacity is low, most of the
time, they are just really slow in getting the pun.
7. The Clown and The Fun Starter
We all have these friends who like to throw jokes every time
they talk. Sometimes they are just naturally funny. Whatever
he/she does, everyone finds his/her actions hilarious. They
are the fun starter, and most of the time, the ”BULLY” ones.
Imagine your group without them… no fun, no laughter.
8. The Drama Kings and Queens
“I bit my tongue!” *cries*
Friends are your second family, you can share whatever problem
you have to them (especially your heartaches or heartbreaks).
But there are also these types of friends who every time you
meet, it’s like the heavens and whole world torture them with
problems. They always turn their problems into dramas.
And sometimes, no matter where they are, they just can’t help
bursting into tears.
Sometimes it feels awkward, especially when your all boys in the group.
Imagine a boy, crying in a comfort room with other boys… Awkward!
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